If you watched our “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Innovation presentation, the next step might be to run your project through our IMELDA Scoring tool.
The tool takes nine factors and depending on the progress you have made to date gives your project a score. The score is in effect akin to the relative likelihood of succeeding to get to market successfully at this stage in your development.
You can download the Excel Spreadsheet here.
When you use the tool, simply follow the instructions and put your score for each factor in the relevant cell or group of cells, one score goes in to each thick bordered box.
At the bottom you will see your score and on the right both a spider diagram and traffic lights – where lights are red these factors need attention, amber and they are relatively better and green are your best elements.
As you work to improve your project so the score will increase. If you are not sure what to do next then tackle one of the lower scoring aspects of the project that is easy and in relative terms inexpensive at this time.